Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Beowulf Manuscript on Display

I think the Curators at the British Library may be doing this to spite me in a cruel, ironic gesture, but it appears that the original Beowulf manuscript, the one I have tried to see on multiple occasions, will in fact be on display through the end of the month, as part of the events surrounding the manuscript's 1000-year anniversary. You can read about it here. Also, you can watch a short video and listen to the British Library's Curator of Medieval Manuscripts talk about the manuscript at the Library's the online gallery page, here.

See you on Thursday.


  1. I'm game. I say we take a UVU bus to the east coast, trade it for a ramshackle sailing boat that we christen Lady Wolverine, and then set sail for the Liverpool docks.

  2. Wow.. that is incredible! Of course i found it fascinating that it wasn't made available to the public and now that it is really makes me want to see it even more. How amazing after all this time!

    So i say we go with Daniel's plan! Lets go on a field trip!
