Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Poisoned Apple

So I don't think prompts have been posted on this piece yet but I read it today and wanted to talk about it. The story of King Arthur has always been one that fascinated me. Here is this great King, goes from being a young wannabe squire called Wart, to the greatest King of England. Yet, his life knows only hardship and sorrow it seems. One great cause for unhappiness in Arthur's life is his wife Guinevere having an affair with his most trusted knight Lancelot. As I read the Poisoned Apple my mind went to the novel The Once And Future King by T.H White. During King Arthur's youth, before he was King Arthur, he was tutored by the wizard Merlin. At one time Merlin gives Arthur very wise advice something to the effect of 'the best way to deal with sadness or hardship is to learn something'. So I wonder, what are we supposed to learn from the somewhat sad story "The Poisoned Apple"? Even though Lancelot comes to Guinevere's rescue and she is not blamed for the death of Sir Patrise still the story didn't make me glad. I think the Poisoned Apple to me may be on giant metaphor. The apple is meant to kill Sir Gawain yet ends up backfiring and killing Sir Patrise instead and putting as innocent Guinevere in peril. Similarly Guinevere and Lancelot's adultery will end up rotting and ruining the lives of many people including themselves and King Arthur though he did not do wrong. Neither of these things were intended to go as wrong as they did or are going to. Love is supposed to be something wonderful and lovely and good, like an apple. But this love is destructive and harmful, like a poisoned apple. I hope that extended metaphor isn't painfully cheesy haha

1 comment:

  1. Jillian,
    I love cheesy!! In fact I'm the kind of person who says "More cheese please!" I liked when you said, " But this love is destructive and harmful, like a poisoned apple." I think you are so right that the love Guinevere and Lancelot feel for one another cannot bear good fruit. What I have always wondered is if Merlin knew of the past and of the future, why did he let Arthur marry Guinevere and let Lancelot come to Camelot. This is my idea... that as much as they were meant to destroy the kingdom they were also meant to help create it.
