Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Core of Rot

It never ceases to amaze me the trouble that these two fated and troubled lovers get themselves into. Every story alludes to their failure to enjoy their higher passion and love through the shameful deceit of their King and Lord, Arthur. Having set Lancelot away because of her jealous heart, the Queen finds herself in another disastrous predicament as she is wrongfully accused of poisoning another, sending the knights into a frenzy. Guinevere seems to finally have a perception check, since she only seems to focus on the fact that Lancelot is gone because of her pettiness. Once all of the knights are rising against her it becomes clear that at last she is becoming held accountable for her jealousy and unrighteous desires in having Lancelot and spurring her husband Arthur. Though it seems unjust that she is accused for an crime she didn’t commit it almost seems to be karma getting back at the lovers for their long wrong doing against their King. I can not fault or name either Guinevere or Lancelot as the lowest of Malory’s tale. They both indulge in treachery and as much as a part of me wishes that all could work out for them to just be happy in love together, I must pass out judgment and grin in the face of their self afflicted trials.

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