Thursday, January 21, 2010

Queen Guinivere's portrayal

In the section "Poison Apple" it seems to me that Malory paints Quinevere in the worst light. She dismisses Lancelot who has long been her friend and Champion. She is shown in public as not caring, though secretly she grieves, and then as if to prove something she throws a party for the other nights. I'm not certain how that would appear at the time, but today she's what we would call a "two-faced liar." On the other hand both Arthur and Lancelot were shown to have honor and courage. Arthur was forbidden by law to take his wife's side and defend her, even though he wanted to. He was honorable in all his dealings with this situation. He couldn't openly help her, but he did everything that he possibly could. Lancelot was shown to be a hero, even with the trickery of Sir Mador. He was down but he struck Lancelot when Lancelot showed mercy. Despite his wound, Lancelot still overpowered Mador.
Other than that, I couldn't say who was the better. Lancelot or Arthur, that is the question.

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