Friday, February 5, 2010

The Big Questions: Where are we going, Why are we here...etc

What does Dr. Faustus suggest about knowledge? Is knowledge something that exists for us to find, or do we create it through our own actions? Is it dangerous? What are the potential ethical questions surrounding knowledge? Do you think, for example, there is a relationship between the questions raised by the play and contemporary issues like cloning, embryonic stem cell research, genetically-modified foods, etc.?

I really liked the play because it was a good example of the line between having Faith and Knowing. Very soon after Faustus sells his soul to the devil he asks for 3 books and one of those are about heaven and the planets. Then once he knows what eternal bliss he is missing out he blames the trickster Mephostophilis because he now Knows what he is missing so instead of having faith in heaven and God he asked to Know and by the way he went about Knowing gave up his own way of getting to heaven. Knowledge for some are the ultimate questions that have been searched for, for a long time like Who are we? Where are we going? Why are here? and so on and people try to answer these questions by "magic," lying, searching and they mostly never find the answers yet, so as cool as it is that what Faustus learned from his books and asking his demon friend, are things we all know now very easily like planets going around the sun, the time it takes, the plants and trees on the earth, etc we are still searching for the ultimate questions even tho we have those answers. And yes there is a question raised by the play to today's issues, especially I would think is the God Particle and proving the creation of the world, or the recent proving of the Big Bang Theory and so on Everyone still tries to find the answers to Disease, the soul, immortality :) ha-ha. That's what as a human race people seem to do. But it's not that bad, except sometimes when the ethical boundaries are crossed like in Faustus case when he sells his soul to the Lucifer :/ that's not something people look well upon.

1 comment:

  1. I would have to agree about the play being about faith and knowledge. I had some of those same thoughts as I read about his hunger for knowing about the planets, secret books, and Heaven and Hell.
