Monday, February 1, 2010

Do we live in a Utopian Society? I think so!

After reading Utopia by Thomas More, I noticed similar topic elements to the movie The Beach with Leonardo DiCaprio. It's the image of the perfect society and how hard they, Utopian society, worked to keep it that way. In Utopia, values and morals are significantly important to the story. I have implemented the following overview of these morals and values: 1.) Raphael has a strong opinion of what how he thinks a ruling government should act, and speaks highly of Utopia's practice of rewarding virtue. He thinks that the government should see these values and morals as an outline of governing a society. 2.) Utopians believe that it is immoral to kill just for the sake of killing and do not advocate it. 3.) They value FREEDOM, which is shown by their willingness to help neighbors get rid of tyrants, and by their law allowing "freedom of religion." 4.) They most of all value virtue, and believe those who embrace it before marriage should be punished. 5.) Everyone respects their elders, and are obedient to the governor of their family. The people value their duties, as wives serve their husbands, and children serve their parents. 6.) They value other people's labor and products to such a degree that if a person from the city is visiting the country for more than a day, this person participates in country work. 7.) Utopians value marriage, and one form of punishment is with-holding someone to marry. Polygamy is illegal, but it is also apparent that Utopians value marriage because divorces are so difficult to get. 8.) They believe in the preservation of their bodies and everything god has given them. Simply, we see the significance in values and morals through a Utopian outlook. No different then our own society, and religion preferences. Although, religion plays an important role in this story, values and morals are important to everyone regardless of what religious institution they decide to worship. I hope my perspective on this story made sense, I often ramble in thought. But ultimately, i wanted to share these ideas since they also reflect our own society decades later. Do we live in a Utopian Society? Absolutely!


  1. Really? You see America as a Utopian society? I'll have to respectfully disagree.

  2. if not every value, most i think there are similarities between the utopian society and ours. Im not saying it is the exact same way, but in my opinion i do see something. Especially, from what i have seen in utah is what influences my opinion. The idea of a perfect society, although there can never really be one. No one is perfect, and come on... how many people try to hide behind their perfect lives for the sake of reputation? anyways, i dont want to be too specific, since it is just a response to the reading. But i value your opinion jacob! thanks for responding!
