Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Villains Called Time & Death

. One of the recurring themes in Shakespeare's sonnets is time and its relationship to love, to age, to beauty, and to art. Read Sonnets 15 and 73, and then discuss how time is used similarly, or differently, in the two poems.

In sonnet 15 Time is the villain that is at war for the youthfulness of the young-man and who takes from the young man: beauty, memories of the young-man, and let's the young man decay. So the relationship there of time is the fact that when young a person has a lot which can be given to love, his age, beauty of himself and those things are lost to time over the course of life, they are taken, stolen that's why I use the word villain. But also to the art that Shakespeare can give the young man is to immortalize him forever beautiful by his words and to be forever perfect. Then in sonnet 73 the debt that all men must pay comes about at the end of life: the villain is now Death, but the relationship it seems to have with love is stated very well at the end "which makes thy love more strong, to love that well which thou must leave ere long." because if there is forever love may not be as strong as it could be for a short time and maybe that is why humans love so passionately because they are all victims of time and death. Time leads up to death and love, age, and beauty don't get to last forever because they all end at deaths of the people. I thought that those relationships were used in a very similar way in both sonnets because I could see that time consumes what people have, the way fire consumes and the way nights after nights take away from our ages, our loves passion, and our beauty.

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