Monday, February 1, 2010


There are many ideas that would be great if we could apply them to modern civilization and other ideas that worked very well for Utopia but would not be applicable in our society. Then there were practices that were plain strange and I could not see ever really being part of a society.

Leadership in Utopia was phenomenal, leaders that were not corrupt and revered by the people. I got the sense that the Governor was just, respectful and truly wise and likewise the other leaders down the chain. These leaders served a life term and although they didn’t have to work for themselves they would do so anyways to gain the respect of the people. If, however the leaders committed error or the voice of the people came against them, they could be removed but as stated in the text “this rarely happened”. If that kind of trust in leadership could be established today things would run so much better. The other idea that I thought was excellent was the way they supported each other and neighboring cities. They had such a grasp of equality that for those who didn’t have enough were freely given to, but the burden was only put on those cities which had in abundance. Applied today what a better world it would be if that type of care was exercised. The public enlightenment through morning teachings and city unifying activitieswas amazing.

The idea of giving your baby away to keep the household quota in check worked for them but would not fly today. In Utopia, however this was fine and completely normal. The practice of making criminals slaves was one that I thought would only work in Utopia. The idea obviously was great for them because slaves helped them on their travels, picked up the slack when it came to hard labor and did most other things that normally you wouldn’t want to do. This would not work in America because I feel it would fall under cruel and unusual punishment but I am not saying I am against it. All meals were eaten in a common area, and there was no such thing as privacy. Worked great in Utopia but privacy and family time are too much a part of American life to work today.

The respect to a strict moral code is something I am in support of but the whole seeing your future spouse naked with a chaperon present was a little weird. I understand the thinking behind it but could you imagine how ruined you would be if man called off the wedding after the viewing, yikes! Talk about a complex.

1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking about this all day and I realized that the thing that I do not like about Utopia is that there is no personal pride. There is pride as a people and a nation but no room to excel as an individual. You cant be the best carpenter, mason, father, warrior anything. You are just as valuable and dispensable as the next person. Its almost like its a life not worth living but that can be because I was born and raised in the American dream ideal.
