Monday, February 1, 2010

Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent at this juncture!

Utopia seems like a wonderful place, in theory. More seems to create a society that doesn’t breed want and greed: no private ownership, community food houses, and free healthcare. Ideally a society could function with these characteristics, however, More adds some interesting elements to Utopia that I believe would eventually rear contention. For example, the way officials are elected (every two years the people vote on the wisest 10 people) would eventually lead to someone campaigning or possibly even lying or bribing their neighbors. I can see any of those consequences as potentially contentious. Just look at any country’s political system and tell me electing officials can be done without hard feelings. Another aspect of Utopia that seems problematic is how they choose scholars. In Utopia they would choose scholars during primary education. I didn’t even know how to tie my shoe until I was in high school! How could any society tell who the true scholars were going to be by looking at a bunch of pre-teens? I can also see the possibility of rebellion if someone that truly desired to be educated wasn’t chosen to be a scholar and ended up as a carpenter or mason. Having slaves and criminals in everyone’s home seems questionable, as well. These criminals and slaves are not going to be good humored (at least not all the time). The possibility of escape, violence, or influence on the household seems to be evident. In fact, the African American slaves gained their freedom through: escape, violence, and influence. After a few generations Utopia would look like the south during the 50’s and 60’s. You can’t repress an entire demographic and expect them to remain complacent. Oh, and banishing people that have pre-marital sex to celibacy is only going to cause problems down the road. Just imagine a bunch of old men milling around your children that obviously like sex (I mean they still had sex knowing that it could be the last time EVER), but aren’t legally aloud to have it. YIKES!!! Anyway, the idea of an island where everyone shares everything and gets along wonderfully is an amazing idea, but I really don’t think Utopia would be the model to follow for that to happen.

1 comment:

  1. i definitely see your point jacob, it a strange sort of way, Utopia reminds me of the movie "The Beach" with leonardo dicaprio!
