Thursday, February 11, 2010

Love and Time

In both sonnets 15 and 73, there is a similar progression through time. Time makes things take their course and die. In both sonnets I recognized a couple similarities: 1-The sadness of death and leaving prime, 2- The beauty and gift that time gives us along with death.

1- Sonnet 15 talks about how boastful we are in our prime. But this is before we realize that our youth isn't eternal. When we realize this, we are in our greatest state. Sonnet 73 goes right into the dying stages of life and describes what dying causes us to think about. Both sonnets make death sound like one more experience that is greater than the rest.

2- The last two lines of both sonnet 15 and 73 are my favorites. They represent the very last gift of time, which is death. But along with death, the real gift is love. Shakespeare explains that dying helps us remember our life, and because we will have no more life, we grow a new and strong love for the things we've experienced, only because we cannot experience them anymore. I like the way Shakespeare portrays life: When we are young and boastful, life loves us, and when we are dying, we love life.

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