Thursday, February 4, 2010

To appear original

The need to be original is found throughout our culture today. For example, the film Avatar has been critically acclaimed for its stunning visuals and advances in digital technology. It has been number one in the box office since its release and has proved to be incredibly popular. Despite all of this film critics have ridiculed Cameron for the lack of originality in the story. They show that the story has been retold many times. The lack of originality is pretty much the only thing that reviewers have criticized.
Many people, especially among independent filmmakers, throw conventions to the wind and rely completely on their own ideas to make a film. Many people feel that they have a story that they just have to tell, even to the point where they feel that their need to give birth to their ideas is "as painful as a woman in labor." This idea of originality has been seen throughout the ages, though by now most everything has been told in one way or another. But still we strive for it, and we will continue to do so forever.

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