Thursday, February 11, 2010

Time makes Love Pure

Time is something that most individuals fight against. The rape of time against our mortal bodies, creating decay and ending beauty in its most sought after form. The fear that consumes us as we find our looks, our beauty, our physical attraction, fading. Age creeps up on all of us, many see it as a disease that has a hundred percent mortality rate. When youth blooms its a lovely thing, and its often in these moments of purity that we find love. The sexual attraction coupled with our fresh innocence about the real world leads us spell bound into love. Its in these moments of youth that one often finds that special someone, before we know what the world, and what time, truly holds for us.

The slow marching on of time often mutates the young love we found once upon a time. Many see the change and decay that long periods of time do on a relationship. The fires that once burned so brightly seem to dim in accordance with our fading youth and beauty. Here is when relationships begin to crack and break apart. Whats interesting about Shakespeare is his desire and power in which to defy time and love deeper, longer. He doesnt believe in an afterlife and so sees this time on earth as the end all, in which you must love to your fullest. Time as he describes it is the same. It moves on in a steady stream with no thought to love or youth. However, love does not have to be affected by its steady pull. "And all in war with Time for love of you, As he takes from you, I ingraft you new" (15). Though time continues its deadly battle, his love remains true, giving back what time steals.

What do we miss in our relationships today? There are many who believe that time wont end after this life is darkened. Could it be that with this thought in mind we think too little of the importance of time and its affect on our relationships with those we love. If we can just fix things after this life ends, why would we need to work on perfecting our love now? Shakespeare didnt believe in life after death, this was the only time we had to live and love to the fullest. With this perception of time he made love immortal and more powerful. The need to make love beautiful now, was and is more important than later. Live life to the fullest and battle against the rage of time, swim in it and use it to really see and enjoy. " To love that well which thou must leave ere long" (73).

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