Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Celestial Fire"

Just a few weeks ago, my dear friend lost her infant 4 weeks before her due date. As she held that lifeless child in her arms I can only imagine the pain she felt as she imagined all the dreams she had made for that little girl, that would never come to be. As I read this poem, I had the reoccurring thought that although baby Harper never lived a mortal life, she will play an important part in her parent's lives forever.

Death seems to be a cruel part of the life cycle, but it is something that each of us will approach as we age. But the most heart-wrenching idea of losing a child before they have had the opportunity to grow, develop and better yet, before the parents pass away, seems cruel. But I appreciate the lines in this poem that give strength to those mothers who might have been "pregnant with celestial fire." When I read those words, I was so focused on the word: celestial. With my personal religious beliefs and upbringing, I believe those children who don't have a chance to impact the world physically will live in the celestial realm. But in the mean time, they are making a difference due to the impact they made on those who love them.

My sweet friend, although she is struggling as her "official" due date approaches a week from today, I know she is making an impact in other peoples lives. Because of baby Harper, I have appreciated each and every moment with my son. I take the time to color with him, dance to the music and read lots of books. Death affects us - it can bring new LIFE!

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