Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What I liked about Defoe's way of writing, is that it gives the story much more depth and feeling. The details may just be historical facts about body counts, and the way of life during the plague, but those details suck you in, and really make you sympathize with the characters, whether or not they themselves are factual. It's the same way a film about WWI, or something like that, would work. If we know that what are they are showing on the screen is historically accurate, the movie has much more impact on us. Because, even if the characters themselves are made up, you know that they could have existed and those experiences did happen to a lot of real people.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree, the Journal for me ran along the lines of "war is hell." We all know that but when we get down into the grittiness of an actual account or a creative nonfiction account of the event you get the feeling, the overwhelming surrounding eerieness of the event. Even though maybe those people didn't do those exact things, they may have still happened and it felt like it did happen from the story. It was very well written by the style and you did a great job explaining that Dusty :D
