Thursday, April 1, 2010

I had a nice post all planned out, but then I read Launi's comments, and decided my response sucked in comparison. I really appreciated her post, and I feel I got the same out of Gray's poem. I love walking through cemeteries myself, and I am always filled with intense curiosity of who the people underneath the headstones are. What were their good qualities, did they reach their full potential? In the cemetery by my home, there are these really nice headstones, they're huge and well kept and always have flowers and decorations by them on Memorial Day. All these headstones have the same last name on them. I know the family, they practically own the town I live in, and they are very wealthy. I've always felt a little resentment towards those giant headstones. It's like they're showing off a little. I tend to feel more respect towards the graves that are old, poor, and sometimes unmarked. The people in those graves were just as smart, had just as much potential as the people with the showy headstones, but for one reason or another, they're not as noticed. Anyway, I can't seem to muster the strength to put all this eloquently, so I'll just say that I loved the poem, and I thought Gray did a wonderful job paying tribute to all of those people who don't get the recognition that they might deserve.

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