Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This is my second post for these prompts, but something else struck me as significant, and knowing my track record, I won't say it in class. :D
When Moll is in prison and after she receives the news that she will be sentenced to death, she pleads with one of the Keepers who in return says this, "send for a Minister, and talk with him, for indeed Mrs. Flanders, unless you have very good Friends, you are no Woman for this World."
I think this attests to the fact that society is very much responsible for Moll's character and situation. If you don't have money or "very good friends," you aren't considered a person meant for the world. That is a very sad thought. I think that in the beginning, Moll understood this. She was born into poverty and though she started out with "friends." They turned out to be either instruments for her to use in her schemes, or not very good friends at all. If I was in her position, being born with no prospects and feeling that I didn't even belong in society, I would feel much less inclined to follow the rules and standards that society had deemed "good."

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