Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Moll Flanders!!!

Moll Flanders can be responsible for her crimes to a certain extent. For example, she was a product of her environment and they way society imposed their beliefs on what the ideal way someone should act. Although, it shouldn't be solely society's fault for the things that happened to Moll. She was born into an unfortunate fate, but while she was dealing with feelings of loneliness and want from the people she thought she admired in society, made her think otherwise, and this is how we see Moll transforming into her true self. It seemed throughout the novel, no matter the struggles she went through, she had a fighting spirit about her that i admired most. In some ways, Moll's story reminded me of my own story. I went through a serious of emotions like Moll in my life, the feeling of worthlessness, loneliness, and in a way giving into people or situations that will give you some sort of acceptance from being isolated for so long. As for More and the ideas in portrayed in Utopia, society did create a self in Moll that lived the life of a sinner. It's like creating a monster and feeding them meat, but beating it at the same time. Society created this self in Moll and for her complying with it was her worst mistake, for when she did, no one was there for her. Until, she made changes in the decisions she made throughout the book and didnt give into the self created by society, and started making her own choices. Overall, i really enjoyed this book. It was definitely not something i was expecting after the other books we have read in class. This story is definitely memorable for me, and also helped me realize that no matter what happens to you in the past, you are just as well deserving of a beautiful future.

Love you Moll!

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