Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Moll the "pick-pocketer"

In comparison with the original Moll Flanders, the Moll that was lady-like and proper, always keeping with the customs and norms of what the times permitted, and the Moll that fell into sin, stealing anything that is not bolted down, I would say the latter is much more interesting, colorful, and enjoyable to follow. Keep in mind, I do not condone Moll's deeds, but I feel like she, toward the end, found herself. Enjoyed herself. She was no longer just manipulating men and women to gain favor or more wealth, but she was hard at a craft, a skill.

I was enthralled with her new character, or birth of a new person, because there was something to her drive to gain more possessions, and not money; yes, she did have a lot of money, but she ceased to list the total amount of her worth every few pages; instead, she went from one steal to another, and I could feel her satisfaction (Defoe's) in her tasks. She may have become a thief, but at least she was a talented one--a capable one.

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