Tuesday, April 20, 2010

her only grown son

I think that Moll reacted differently to her son in Virginia because technically he is her only son that she has seen grown (as a man). And like we talked in class there is more of an attachment to children that grow out of the infant stage as they are likely to survive after their young age. Also I think he represents a living walking part of Moll's wicked past. But that was not so bad (since she didn't know the dad was her brother) and that she isn't so sad about having a remembrance of the past like him. So since she knows of no other descendant of hers, her son is the only living one she knows for sure made it to adult hood so I believe she is extremely happy to have him in her life. That's the main difference I saw between all her other children and this one that she knew for sure made it to adult hood. Which I thought was quite beautiful for a nice ending for the book.

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