Monday, April 19, 2010

I found it hard to believe that Moll was truly repentant of her past deeds. She herself, when she is first in prison says, "Then I repented heartily of all my Life past, but that Repentance yielded me no satisfaction, no Peace, no not in the least, because, as I said to myself, it was repenting after the Power of farther Sinning was taken away." And later in that paragraph, "I mourned that I was to be punished for it."
I know that later she claims full repentance after seeing the minister, but I still feel it to be a little shallow. She herself says it may seem this way to the reader, but insists that she is a penitent. I can't help but think that if she were to suddenly find herself in a situation where she would have to repeat a past "evil," she'd jump at the opportunity.
But, luckily for her, she never finds herself in that position, which, I was very glad about. Because though her actions and deeds were terrible, you can't help but like her.

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