Thursday, April 1, 2010

How do we want to be remembered?

The basic concept of the poem is that no matter what we do in our lives and how valuable we think it is at the time, we can't escape death; death is the inevitable. Near the end, every one of us awaits the end, our "inevitable hour" and all our work, wealth, possessions and the beauty that our life gives to us all leads down the same path. In line 45, the speaker poses a question. "Perhaps in this neglected spot is laid/some heart once pregnant with celestial fire..." are the two lines that present the question, who lies in this grave? Are they important? Then he talks about how there are many great people who are born who are never recognized. The people who are being described, could have possibly been "pregnant with celestial fire," in other words they might have been special but they never were. Our legacy lives on through our children, friends, families. However the memory of the people who never got the chance to do great things will always live on forever in the memory of those who knew them. This poem is sad, and reminded me of one day, i will also reach that inevitable path; death. Reading this poem also reminds me of the fire we all have inside of us to be great, and not be buried with our regrets and dreams we never got the chance to take; or if we might of lacked the bravery to do so.

Great Poem!

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