Monday, April 12, 2010

Virginia on Moll

The introduction was actually one of my favorite parts of the reading this time and I think it was so because Virginia describes Moll Flanders with such accuracy. But I too have found and interesting and confounding contradiction in Moll. On the one hand I see the total victim she is situation and the society she lives in. I feel the objectification of women and see the totally unfortunate situation she is forced into. But on the other hand I see this incredibly strong vivacious women who is making her own way never mind the scruples of society. She is not then such a victim but as Virginia Woolf says is "a heroine who has us all in tow". Perhaps Moll Flanders is a tragedy...but isn't it something of a delight too? To watch this woman handle situations and take assertiveness in her life is refreshing and interesting.


  1. I noticed the same thing about the two different sides of Moll that are portrayed. She is victimized throughout the story because of her gender, but at the same time really takes advantage of what she can do because of what gender she is. The preface makes her seem like she's definitely in the wrong morally, but it's interesting to see how society plays a role in immorality. She's portrayed as weak because she is a villain and an immoral female, but at the same time, she's portrayed as strong, smart and resourceful.

  2. I definitely agree she is assertive and alluring in her character to make me want to understand and read on to what happens next. I actually thought as a result of society she had to be morally in the wrong to survive and become more than she could be otherwise, I more saw the strong and smart side then the weak portrayal, probably just because I'm always scoffing at some of the things said. But at the end I was totally in agreement that it's great to see her take control in life!
