Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mrs. Moll

Gutsy. If Moll is anything I would describe her as being gutsy. Regardless of what circumstances she is forced to face she keeps moving forward and never lets life get the better of her.

I think it took guts for her to move forward after having her heart ripped out and getting a huge taste of reality. It must have nearly killed her to marry a man that she didn't love after having a taste of what for her was true love, though I don't think he felt that way for her. She was used and manipulated by a family that knew much of the world and of society. In turn she learned to use others around her to similar advantage.

I don't think she should be viewed negatively for adjusting to her circumstances. Though it isn't very honorable for her to use others for personal gain simply because she was used it also isn't a matter of honor but of survival. In all things she tried to do right by those she was bound to and she holds true to her own honor system.

I know we aren't very far into our reading yet and Moll's character may yet surprise me but I definitely admire her for surviving and am anxious to continue reading.

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