Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I know Better

I actually thought that the essay by Alexander Pope was great because of how focused, and precise it was, really did make the points stand out to me. The one that I especially thought was great was p. 2505 point number 4 "Go, wiser thou! and in thy scale of sense weigh thy opinion against Providence;" basically he goes on to say that people who think they know more than God because of their pride and unhappiness are wrong they are trying to be "the God of God!." Which I thought was great that he addressed that because a lot of people think they know more than God in all sense of the word, the all knowing being, the creator, etc. And there are those people around, I've heard them talk before about their b.s. So I thought it was great that he just called those people out "Aspiring to be gods, if angels fell, aspiring to be angels, men rebel;" because they are a certain type of persona in humanities repertoire :D and that stuck in my head because of how Pope condemned those people so well!

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