Saturday, March 6, 2010

Prompts for Marvell and Herrick

1. Herrick and Marvell both treat the theme of time. How do their individual treatments of this theme compare to its treatment by Donne and Shakespeare? Use specific examples.

2. Cleanth Brooks, and indeed Robert Herrick himself, may turn over in their graves for this, but rewrite "Upon Julia's Clothes" in contemporary English. You don't need to make it rhyme or even write it in lines. Just "modernize" it.

3. In the Oxford Anthology of English Literature, John Hollander and Frank Kermode assert that "The Garden" is part of an Edenic misogynistic tradition—“the misogynistic tradition” that asserts that “Adam was better off without Eve” (655). Do you agree that the poem is misogynistic? Why or why not?

Thanks. Good luck on the midterm if you haven't taken it already!

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