Tuesday, March 23, 2010


When I first read this I found it disturbing that it is even a piece of British literature, but after reading a few of the blogs I now understand how cleaver and sneaky it really is. Jonathan Swift uses an outrageous topic in order to take the spot light off of the real intentions of this poem. By doing so, he is able to speak about sensitive subjects without getting ridiculed. Using poverty stricken babies as a potential form of meat is one way he tells the reader how worthless the lower class society is. But at the same time, he might be speaking to the reader(upper class) through their reactions to the text. As the upper class society might find this humorous, they might at the same time realize just how animal like they have become.

Swift makes a very good case for the poor throughout his seemingly heartless text about butchering and eating babies. He makes the point that the upper class is already doing just that. The poor are viewed as no more than animals who are infesting the society that belongs to the rich.

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