Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Paradise Lost Book 1

I found it interesting how Satan felt like he was too far gone to ever have redeemed himself. As I was reading through this section I got the sense that Satan genuinely thought that his ideas were going to be accepted, and then felt totally embarrassed when he got kicked to the curb. It seemed like he was stoked on his plans and then dumbfounded when it all blew up in his face. His immaturity and childish stubbornness shines through when he makes his speech about how he is going to dedicate his efforts to thwart the plan of God, kind of like a "my way or the highway" mindset. Looking past his obvious immaturity and rebellion, however, it's easy to feel pity for him in the way that Milton describes his despair and total isolation. If God (who is always described as being infinitely merciful and loving) cut me off from himself and every other living creature, I would be pretty put off too...then again, maybe that's what Satan wanted all along.

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