Monday, March 8, 2010

"Upon Julia's Clothes," by Julia:)

I have loved this poem for years, not only because it has my name in the title, but also because it is written with elegance and passion. So, i will attempt to modernize the poem the best way i can, although it may not sound as graceful as Robert Herrick wrote it.

When Julia walks in silks of red,
Oh then, i think, she swiftly flows
In the beauty of her clothes.
Then, when i look at her i see
her body sway in my arms til three;
Oh, how her beauty mystifies me.

So, that is the best i could do. I don't think i have written any poetry since my creative writing class last summer. That was my best shot, i hope it sounds decent to post on the blog! ;) I definitely can't wait to talk about the poem! See you all in class tomorrow!

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