Thursday, March 4, 2010

Midterm Exam, Etc.

In case you were not in class this past week, here is what you need to know:
  • The midterm is in the Testing Center. You can take it at any time between now and Monday, but you will have to pay a fee if you take it on Monday.
  • You can take in the anthology, scratch paper, and a dictionary, but you cannot take in any notes.
  • We do not have class today, 3/4. Focus on taking the midterm and on doing the reading for Tuesday (Marvell and Herrick).
  • Our discussion of the literature will take about 1/2 of the class on Tuesday. During the second 1/2 of the class, we will have a peer review session. This is an optional peer review, but it is a good chance to get some feedback on your first essay.
  • You need to clear your essay topic with me, either in person or via email. So far only about five of you have done this.
  • I will be posting prompts for Tuesday's reading, so please check back.
Thank you, and I will see you on Tuesday.

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